This webshop was created after a Danish ultrarunner started using the hashtags #dontbeshit, #alwaysfullgas and #butdidyoudie on Instagram and in her mindset. Soon more people started to use the hashtags.
#dontbeshit – It’s about attitude not performance. If you have prepared and given 100%, then you can never be shit. No looking for shortcuts, no backing out, no easy options. Stay positive, give everything and never give up; whatever the result you’ve not been shit.
#butdidyoudie But did you die is about reminding yourself how good you actually have it. Often we complain about tiny, insignificant things fixating on the negative but honestly – did you die? When things aren’t going your way, whether in training, racing or life, just remember that you have survived 100% of your bad days so far. A useful mantra for those times you are suffering in training, a race or having a tough day, to help you dig that little bit deeper and try that little bit harder, so when you cross the line you know you gave everything and no matter how hard it felt you can always ask yourself… But did you die?
#alwaysfullgas Always full gas isn’t about being fast, it’s about being present in the moment and giving 100% to everything you do. That might be an intense training session that needs you to dig deep, but it could equally be quality time with friends, date night, or playing with your kids. Whatever you are doing give it your complete attention and revel in the little details; live your life always full gas.